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How to Transform Our Financial and Monetary World

Jan 19 2022 Published by dayat under Uncategorized

Indeed money is a huge topic in today’s time. Having been in the business of money and finances throughout my ‘worldly’ career’, I can sing a few tunes concerning this topic. Long before the 2000 crash I had realized that the systems and structures we created individually as well as globally were not viable and sustainable and would have to be replaced with new ones. I left Germany and the financial world and moved to New York, the global hub of finances, in order to assist in this process of economic and financial transformation.

Immediately behind personal transformation, money and finances is actually my favorite topic. Because the collapse of our present financial, socio-economic and environmental structures and systems is no longer just about markets correcting themselves or catching a few ‘thieves’. Instead, it is about human transformation and evolution! It presents us with the great opportunity to transform ourselves and our environment. And this, has very little to do with money or finances but a lot with our perceptions, beliefs and the way we view and treat each other and our environment. Who we are affects every aspect of our daily life from relationships and career to monetary and financial matters.

Therefore, I recommend a program called “Self-Transformation through Self-Realization” based on the teachings of a group of (American) Indian Spirit Guides which helps us to discover WHO we are in Truth, WHAT our inherent core (survival) fears are (based on our pre-birth arrangement) and what defense mechanisms we have developed in our early childhood to cope with these fears. The teachings are very self-transformative and powerful.

The time for change and transformation is now! We are all inhabiting this very same planet at the same time, however, we do live in different realities. Depending what reality one lives in, one conducts oneself, one’s career, relationships as well as financial and money matters either in the old or the new paradigm.

Diana Caughell is founder and president of NuLifeTraining4U, a company dedicated to empowering clients to live a healthy, happy and successful life. Additionally to her spiritual trainings and education, Diana draws upon her management, marketing, and financial expertise to help clients achieve permanent sustainable personal and professional success. Diana teaches proven, practical mental and spiritual power tools for dealing with every-day challenges in career, relationships or personal life in a more efficient and powerful way. She works with individuals and companies, gives workshops and speaks on topics of personal growth and development, human transformation and evolution.

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